Our Plan

Meg has a plan to make our community an even better place to live.

  • Backing our farmers

    Meg will support farmers to get the best deal for their produce & be their champion locally and in Westminster.
  • Tackling flooding

    Meg will work with landowners and put pressure on the Environment Agency & the Council to introduce more flood defences and increase dredging in our rivers.
  • Improving education standards

    Meg will work with schools and colleges to make sure every child gets a first-class education, and parents have the choice of a good local school.
  • Action on healthcare

    Meg will fight so that local communities get access to the GPs, dentists and the healthcare they need.
  • More investment in our towns, cities, and villages

    The Lib Dem-led councils have focused investment in areas like Taunton and Weston-super-Mare. Meg will fight for funding from local and national government so that our communities can get the services they need, our high streets are supported, and our roads are repaired.